Due to the voting form only allowing a maximum of 200 impressions per month I am limiting the voting to ONE vote PER DAY with this form and I am hoping this will get me through the 7 days, if not I have an alternate way to submit votes!!! This will still allow you to vote more frequently... If you have any problems voting, please vote on my Facebook page by stating the following, "So and so sent me, I would like to vote for photo #--." This will count and in the end I will tally all the votes and announce the winners... Everyone who submitted an eligible photo receives a $25 gift certificate towards any product/service at Christie Burns Photography...
Ready, Set, VOTE!!! Voting ends January 24th... Have fun and good luck!!!
P.S. Remember, if you want to win you HAVE to direct people here to vote for your image... I have changed this form and you are now required to enter your name... Thanks!
Christie Burns Photography is having a Valentine’s photo contest, vote for my photo at christieburnsphotography.blog.com under the contest tab.
(tag) Christie Burns Photography is having a Valentine’s photo contest and I have entered for a chance to win. "Like" her page and leave some love, then go vote for my photo at christieburnsphotography.blog.com under the contest tab. (make sure to tag me with “@Christie Burns Photography“ you have to type the @ symbol first then start typing my name so that Facebook will link it to me, also be sure you make your post visible to everyone or it will not show up on my page. You may do this by clicking the lock button under your status message and selecting “everyone”)
Hey {insert name},
I just entered a photo contest on Facebook with Christie Burns Photography. Could you please help me win the contest by voting for my image at christieburnsphotography.blog.com under the contest tab.
{insert name}
P.S. Go to www.facebook.com/christieburnsphotography and "like" her page, leave some love on her wall while you're there…
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